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终南石South End Rock
公元1278年11月,南宋民族英雄文天祥带兵抗元,转战潮阳,为追寻南下之帝舟,登莲花峰眺望不见,慨叹宋之将亡,剑刻“终南”二字,南字内“ 羊”刻为“午”,意谓文天祥到此是中午时分。“终南”二字寓意深厚,其内涵有“臣心一片磁针石,不指南方不肯休”的诗意。
South End Rock
In November 1278, Wen Tianxiang, a heroic general of South Song Dynasty, commanded his troops to fight against Yuan army. When they arrived at Chaoyang, Wen reached the summit of Lotus Peak looking straightly towards the direction where the Emperor’s ship might appear. But he was not able to spot it, and then he let out a deep sigh to express his feeling to the doomed South Song Dynasty. In his great depression, he carved “South End” on the rock with his sword, which means the end of South Song Dynasty. In the word “South” there is a word “noon”, indicating that Wen arrived here at noon. In fact, “South End “ could metaphorically imply that Wen compared himself as a compass, its magnetic needle always pointing to the South ( South Song Dynasty).
  上一篇:望帝处Spot of Expecting the Emperor
下一篇:古莲花峰Ancient Lotus Peak
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